Even out west there is huge fear of fire arms.

It has more to do with the supposed civilized folks who inhabit urban areas 
instead of the good people who  live in suburbs or rural locations.  Even 
though a few urban denizens may hunt for sport, there is a greater percentage 
of small town residents for whom hunting is a way of life.

Used to be that people abandoned school for deer hunting in high school in 
November.  At least in the rural town school I attended.  My oldest kid grew up 
in urban seattle and all the kids live in fear of guns.  Taking off a week to 
hunt Bambi is considered a hate crime.   Closest his peers get to gun love is 
to blast away virtual enemies in a video game.

West coast city folk live in fear of guns and the people of color who wield 
them.  Same as the city folk of the east.  Rural residents are not so overcome 
by guns or waste mental energy on fire arms.  It would be akin to getting 
involved in arguments over what is stocked in the out house.


On Jan 18, 2013, at 8:54 PM, Brian Toscano wrote:

> I still can't understand the irrational fear some people have of guns.
> I think it is just a stigma passed down to them by their environment.
> Possibly because in the Northeast and other areas that are anti-gun  most
> gun owners are cops and criminals.
> In other parts of the country guns are just part of life and no big deal.
> What annoys me the most is that these anti-gun people seem to want federal
> bans on guns as if they know what's good for the entire country (and the
> rest of us are just ignorant rednecks and hillbillies)
> On Friday, January 18, 2013, Rick Knoble wrote:
>> On Jan 18, 2013, at 8:20 PM, "Mountain Man" 
>> <maontin....@gmail.com<javascript:;>>
>> wrote:
>>> The tactic sounds interesting, but totally not necessary for my life.
>> Dude, we gotta get you a job, so you can have a life...
>> Rick
>> Sent from my iPhone
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