On 1/17/06, Donald Snook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> They raised holy hell when we charged them 1 hour to diagnose
> the problem ($58) and .3 to replace the cap and rotor (plus parts).  It
> was amazing that they could be so pissed at us, when we figured out the
> problem and charged them an appropriate amount.  IIRC they had spent
> about $1000 with the previous guy.

Oddly enough, I prefer to take my car only to the dealership. Yes,
it's more expensive, but as long as they are the *only* ones to touch
my vehicle, I have very good grounds for when I'm yelling at them
about something not having been done correctly.

Then again, I'm paranoid.

Knowledge is power... Power Corrupts. Study hard... Be Evil.

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