Kevin wrote:
On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 09:16:00PM -0700, Craig McCluskey wrote:
Mine's a 617.912 in a W123. No tachometer.

Autometer ATO-2888 is a 5000 rpm diesel tach with probe that attaches
to the alternator (?!). The catalog I am looking at lists it at $127,
which is a teense steep. There is also a 6000 rpm version that I can't seem
to find the number for. Boneyard will be much cheaper, but IIRC the tach pickup
on a 123 is on the flywheel. Remember, price is directly proportional to

Maybe you could do something like this? Obviously the pickup method would need adapting for an MB instead of a VW, but the same basic principle should work. The appealing thing is it lets you use a relatively cheap gasoline tach.

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