The Tampa Tribune is defunct.  The only remaining daily in the area is the St. 
Pete Times, and it’s not doing all that great as far as print media.  They do 
well with their constant attention to the Scientologists in Clearwater, however.

Big dustup with Miscavich and friends recently:

The Xenu folks have been slowly taking over Clearwater’s downtown area.  They 
claim to be totally transparent in their dealings, but they’re not.  They just 
bought up a bunch of commercial properties using shell corporations over the 
last year and got busted doing so (by the Times, I might add.)

So the aquarium owns this prime piece of real estate right next to their 
beloved hotel where they board the Sea Org people and others. It’s worth about 
$4M in the current market.  The aquarium offers to sell it to the City of 
Clearwater a while back so they can do some things with it, as the aquarium 
needs bigger digs since they’ve cashed in big time with their crippled dolphin 

Scientology moves in and wants to buy it.  The aquarium says no, they want the 
City to have first dibs.  Miscavich and friends go to work…

They pitch all of the City council members individually in his office about the 
way they’ll resurrect the downtown area if they can buy this land. Yeah, right. 
 We’ve heard that before, haven’t we?

Then they go to the press about how they’re willing to offer the aquarium $15M 
for the property and if they don’t accept the offer the City and aquarium are 
screwing the taxpayers for not taking this massive windfall.

No dice.

So a week or two ago the City votes to purchase the property and the aquarium 
accepts their $4M offer.  Miscavich and friends are LIVID.

So the Thetan/Xenu attorneys all pile on and go to the State claiming all sorts 
of terrible wrongdoings on the part of the aquarium, and how they should be 
sanctioned for misusing taxpayer dollars, their director is a crook for being 
grossly overpaid, yada, yada, yada.


The aquarium does a very nice rebuttal in a very pleasant and positive manner 
in the Times the next day.  Game over, David M.

So what’s happening now?

When you’re in the area around the hotel and other Scientology venues in 
downtown Clearwater, you see literally hundreds of their members walking around 
in their getup, black pants, white shirt, gray vest.  These are Sea Org 
recruits stationed at the Fort Harrison (the hotel they own and is their 
headquarters.)  These people have virtually vanished from the streets.

Miscavich has ordered his followers to no longer patronize any business in the 
downtown area, so the word is.  This means that all the shops and restaurants 
in downtown Clearwater that were serving the church members are now hurting.

I’m not sure how long this will go on, but it will probably be a while.


> On May 7, 2017, at 11:28 AM, Andrew Strasfogel <> wrote:
> OK,  if not the Star then the Tampa Daily News.


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