We're planning to fill up both tanks in Idaho tomorrow and
drive to Seattle and back in the car.  The shakedown cruise.

Fuel is a lot cheaper in Idaho, in case you're curious.  Effectively
the car is 'done', though there are a few small things left to do.
I'm into it a conservative 80 hours of labor, and the expenses
(including acquisition) are a hair under $1000.

(Hmm, motor mounts, restoring the AC, and a CLA on the sunroof
are still on the list.  Maybe not so small.  Sigh.)

I doubt this is going to make much money for us.  Nice looking
car, though.  That's why I want to drive it to Seattle.  That way
I get some small ROI for all the TLC before we sell it.  And it
ought to save us a bit of money if we don't have to buy expensive
Washington fuel.  (An extra gas tax.)

-- Jim

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