Oh John, you're giving me a headache.   ;(

Much as I'd like to play the guinea pig for such a laudable project,
my need is fairly immediate, and my time is limited.  While the cost
of the Unwired kit is a little hard to swallow, it looks as though I
could have it in hand w/i a few days of ordering and absent major
problems with my acc system, which weren't apparent the last time I
touched it with the MityVac, installation looks to be maybe less than
half a day, even first time.  So, regrettably, it looks as though I'll
have to pass.


On 3/31/06, John Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Or you could wait for my senior design project to finish ;)  Its a
> replacement similar to the Unwired tools, but should be about half the
> price ($350).  The most expensive part of the whole project is the
> vacuum valves ($125 for four) so if  you want to find some used ones you
> should be able to reduce that cost even further.
> The minimum qty of PCBs my fabhouse lets me get is 5, so I should have
> some prototypes for "beta testing" if you would like to have one.
> If you would like to do some reading about it I've attached the design
> document from last semester.  It is a little out of date, but is still
> very accurate as far as capabilities, etc.  If you would like to see
> source code (its ugly, but it works), schematics, pcb, etc. you can look
> on my website at: http://starquake.ath.cx/svn/dacc/
> Anybody else on the list interested in these?  I'd like to actually make
> them after senior design is over (and I can sleep again).

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