I really have to say I think you folks are paranoid. If they are tracking me, they sure are going to be bored.

I look at this forum every day, and the local MB dealer has not called to offer me a deal on a new Benz and I am not even getting offers to buy beater Benzes.


On 05/12/2019 4:19 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes wrote:
Every android device is spyware, both for goolag and for chicomms.

Mitch Haley via Mercedes <mailto:mercedes@okiebenz.com>
December 5, 2019 at 3:55 PM

I've heard people say that a coworker was talking about golf in the breakroom, then they got ads for golf balls when they browsed the internet, because Goolag was listening with the phone microphone.

I didn't place too much credence in that, but this week I has an interesting experience. I was setting up a Moto E5 for a friend who never had a cell phone but had Gmail. I tried to use her Gmail ID in setting it up when it asked for a Goolag account login. It claimed I was using an unrecognized device and I needed to prove I was her by giving it a cell number to text me a code to enter in the new phone, Every device she ever used before was unrecognized, she usually reads her email on library computers, and it never gave her the text message security thing before.

So, finally I put in my phone number to send the secret code to, since she had no other way of receiving texts until after we got her phone working. Goolag sent me the code, and because I received her code on my phone I successfully proved I was her. ??? Then I went into Gmail, and her Gmail on her brand new phone showed me ads for Taste of the Wild at Chewy.com. (This Sunday I'd been looking at TOTW nutritional info on Chewy.com on my computer, in a web browser that had Goolag cookies in it)

Goolag didn't want a phone number to confirm identity, they wanted a phone number to link an existing spy database to the new phone, and lied about why they wanted a phone number. That reminds me, I still need to delete all the Google analytics from my laptop.



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