Dad bought a number of Heathkits.  He was not a particularly meticulous
assembler, and they often didn't work correctly.  I would re-follow the 
and correct resistors, mis-installed transistors...

I bought an AM/SW radio, which you assembled in stages as a learning tool.
Was a very very good introduction to tube technology.

It's all mine, now.  Still using the VTVM, though I replaced the battery with a
LM317 powered by the filament supply.  The scope hasn't been used since
I got some Tektronix scopes.  (I think I have six, now.  Seven if you count the
one on the curve tracer.)

I found two more Heathkit VTVMs in the thrift stream, which I bought.
Basically if I find that kind of test equipment I buy it, though I did pass on
an NTSC generator.

-- Jim


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