I NEVER thought that I would end up with a car that has this problem, but old Granny has decided to spring it on me! She won't shut off with the key, so I have to use the stop button under the hood. Before this, there was a wire under the dash that would cause the starter to cut in and out if it was jiggled, but that's all fine now. Everything under the hood looks ok,. I thought it must be under the dash at the ignition switch, but that looks fine too. Could the ignition not be sending vac to the shutoff? My next test is to hook up a line directly to the shuttoff and try pumping a vac on it or just use the old fashion method, sucking on it. It still has a slight miss, but it's using tons of oil too, lots of blue smoke puffing out of it. It's been a good experience, but this is going to be a case of getting my money back out of it and moving on to another one with a sound engine. The glow plugs have been tested and they are working, so the hard starting, hard enough where it won't start without that bad stuff called starting fluid, is due to poor compression with only 204K miles. I should have known that she led a hard life when she came to me with a well clogged and oiled air filter and DIRRRRRRRRRRRTYYYYYYYY oil!

Kevin in Hillsboro Oregon
1981 300CD 204K miles, Giesela, movin' on

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