It seems than at Sun, 22 Jul 2007 12:38:55 +0930, Hendrik wrote:

> I was going to say something about penguins but this is a family list.

There is a Linux list for us weirdos...
Linux Discussion List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> So I am seriously thinking of challenging myself to learn how to install/use 
> a linux OS, at the moment I am looking at Debian 
> because it is free free, unlike some other UNIX based stuff. However Debian 
> is a huge download (22 cd's worth) but that is a truckload of programs, most 
> of which I will probably never even use or know what they are for.

You don't need to download them all. They are arranged in
decreasing order of popularity. For many years I have manage
quite well with 3 or 5 disks. If a program wasn't on those, it's
easy to download only the program needed. "Apt" is pretty handy!!

> However I did install openoffice and while it is a bit slower than office97, 
> it has a pooload more buttons to push and should kick bottom running on an 
> open OS.

It's pretty good. I have had no issues with compatibly with
Microsoft. Even with my advanced spreadsheets. Oh, correction. I
couple years ago I opened a PowerPoint and the background
gradient was backwards in OpenOffice.  But that may have been

> Anyone with experience wanna give me some advice.

Debian is a solid distro - but it may not be the easiest to
install or have the latest software, etc. I have been using it
for lots of  years partly 'cause it is practically identical to
administer on my i386 and my PowerPC machines. Handy!

Otherwise, sign up for the Linux list and ask away!!

--          Philip, and his flock of penguins

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