>     First of all, no, none of those exponents are mine. I have tons of
> machines running Prime95 and I'm pretty high up on the list of
> producers It's just that I think you're way off base on this...and I'm
> sure other people on this list think the same too.  <whine, complain,
> etc.> George, (or someone else!) could you please explain to Aaron why
> he is off base of this one.....something along the lines of "Ashton
> has the right to set his machine to do whatever kind of work he wants
> it to do. It's a fun project. Don't go around annoying people, etc.,
> etc. blah, blah."

Well, I knew opinions would be varied on this matter...I've seen many "for"
and many "against".  I think what people react to the most is that I am
taking it upon myself to grab certain exponents, whereas if Scott or George
were to do it, they'd be more in favor of such "housecleaning".  I suppose
it's an indication that *I* am perhaps not as trustworthy as George and/or
Scott, and there are certainly reasons why people would think that! :-)

>     It's just not fair to take exponents that other people are working
> on (in the hopes of being the co-discoverer of M39) and have them find
> a "Exponent already tested" when their machine checks in two
> months....especially after some of the exponents you listed seemed to
> be more that 50% complete.  Is it just me or are you just not thinking
> straight this past week? (Compared with your regular postings, they
> seem to be far more illogical!)

Sheesh, well it has been a rough past week... :-)  Call it "testing the
waters".  I'm good at that.  To my knowledge, the issue of poaching numbers
has never been discussed (on the list anyway), so at least we got to talk
about it.  We now know that some people are a bit bothered by numbers that
will take 2 years to finish, and some people could care less.  What we do
with that knowledge is to find a happy balance, I guess.  Let's see if the
"ever trustworthy" Scott and George have any comments on the matter...maybe
something along the lines of the automated emails sent to the REALLY slow
(over a year for one number) computers.


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