>>>>> "Aaron" == Aaron Blosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> wrote the following on Sun, 13 Jun 1999 22:16:28 -0600

  Aaron> Certain tools are better suited to certain jobs.  Find the
  Aaron> job that your slower computer is best suited for and go for
  Aaron> it.

I think this argument also applies to your computers...why not put
your faster computers on the bigger exponents where they are needed,
instead of poaching smaller exponents?

  Aaron> Am I just wrong in thinking this?

I think that most people's concern is that they will have their
exponent "stolen" from under them.  It's not clear exactly how you
will go about determining which exponents need to be reclaimed, since
you're sort of doing it unofficially.  I know that you have the best
of intentions in mind, and it's clear that the exponents you picked
are indeed dropped, but that's just because I happen to recognize your

However, it's not TOO big a step to imagine someone else getting even
more anxious and 'reclaiming' exponents that are still actively being
worked on.  This is the slippery slope that most people fear.  If there's
no official policy on exponent reclaiming, and just many little ad hoc
ones, the whole concept of reserving exponents goes out the window.

If I were you, I'd let George and Scott determine which exponents need
to be reclaimed.  (Perhaps you could offer them suggestions :) Getting
their official blessing before doing work would make everybody more at

Mike Gebis

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