An odd thing happened to me a little while back.

The machine which I used at a previous job, up to April 1999, started
doing trail-factoring again a couple months ago! It's nice to see it
working, and apparently not bothering its new owner by working -- but the
machine is now out of my control, indeed I don't even know where the
machine IS now.

It is running version 18, which was, of course, the latest version out at
the time the machine was last under my control. It's beginning to
experience difficult getting assignments below the the 20.x-million
limit. Most of the time everything is fine .. but over the weekend it tied
up some 100 exponents in the 20.7-20.9 range, then immediately abandoned
them. (It is set to report every day, and reported progress on lower
exponents, and, mysteriously, on two higher exponents, yesterday, but has
not checked in a report on the other 100 or so exponents since checking
them out.)

I manually released the abandoned exponents today. This time. But I'd
rather not have to do this on a daily basis -- and would rather not cause
a meltdown when the server finally runs out of assignments within v18's
range altogether.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to stop a runaway copy of
v18? Perhaps in a few weeks the server can be updated to return an "out of
exponents" error to v18 instead of offering it an assignment it can't


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