On 20.09.2017 23:08, Dylan Baker wrote:
Matt and I discussed this a bit before he left for XDC, and I have some ideas on
how to share sources file lists (meson upstream wasn't particularly thrilled
with the idea of of adding makefile parsing support, even in as limited a form
as we have with our Makefile.sources). My initial though is to add support to
meson for reading JSON or some other standard file format (ini, xml, whatever),
and writing a tool that autotools could call during it's pre-process stage to
convert these into Makefile.sources files. But I'm not an autotools expert by
any stretch and I have no idea if that's even possible.

That seems like a reasonable idea. configure contains code to iterate over and generate Makefiles, it should be possible to do the same for those sources lists.

Making sure they're re-generated automatically may be a bit tricky though.


I'll also add that android is migrating away from Make compatible android.mk
files to a new soong build system that does not (AFAICT) read Make files, so if
the android build system is going to live in tree in the future, we're going to
end up duplicating all of this for android eventually.


Quoting Nicolai Hähnle (2017-09-20 13:57:17)
On 20.09.2017 22:27, Dylan Baker wrote:
+amd_common_files = files(
+  'ac_binary.c',
+  'ac_binary.h',
+  'ac_exp_param.h',
+  'ac_llvm_build.c',
+  'ac_llvm_build.h',
+  'ac_llvm_helper.cpp',
+  'ac_llvm_util.c',
+  'ac_llvm_util.h',
+  'ac_shader_abi.h',
+  'ac_shader_info.c',
+  'ac_shader_info.h',
+  'ac_nir_to_llvm.c',
+  'ac_nir_to_llvm.h',
+  'ac_gpu_info.c',
+  'ac_gpu_info.h',
+  'ac_surface.c',
+  'ac_surface.h',
+  'ac_debug.c',
+  'ac_debug.h',

So... I think this came up in the previous Meson thread. Duplicating
these source file lists is pretty painful, because it invariably leads
to people (including myself) forgetting to update them, which leads to
follow-up "fix $foo build system" commits.

I have nothing against Meson in particular, but can we please not go there?

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Aber vergiss niemals, wie sie sein sollte.

Lerne, wie die Welt wirklich ist,
Aber vergiss niemals, wie sie sein sollte.
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