Dylan Baker <dy...@pnwbakers.com> writes:
> Results
> autotools : sh -c   535.34s user 30.33s system 310% cpu 3:02.05 total
> meson     : sh -c   136.58s user 11.98s system 372% cpu 39.895 total

I just want to point at these numbers again.  meson is so transformative
for your normal build/test cycles that it's worth it even if we have to
duplicate source lists.  I know these aren't quite representative
because of all of automake's checks that haven't been done for meson,
but here's what we had for the X server conversion:

                        autotools:   meson:
no-op build              0.83         0.49
touch Makefile.am        1.28
touch configure.ac      16.68
touch meson.build                     2.92
clean ccache build      16.74         1.44
clean build             52.24        27.84

Hopefully we can replace two of our build systems (hopefully android and
scons?) with this one, and then I think it will definitely be less
developer build system maintenance, even with duplicated source lists.
I'd be curious to hear what the vmware folks would need from meson in
order to drop scons, and I'd be willing to put in a good bit of work to
make it happen.

Additionally, meson doesn't need the .hs listed in its source lists, so
these meson.builds are actually more verbose than we need and would drop
a huge source of our "fix up the build system" patches for automake's
stupid distcheck.

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