Just one bit of feedback, for the rest I either agree or have no opinion:

On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 8:28 PM, Emil Velikov <emil.l.veli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  * unfit and late nominations:
>     * any rejections that are unfit based on the existing criteria can
>       be merged as long as:
>        * subsystem specific patches are approved by the team
>          maintainer(s).
>        * patches that cover multiple subsystems are approved by 50%+1
>          of the maintainers of the affected subsystems.

I don't think 50% + 1 is workable. That would mean for a core mesa
patch, one would have to get like 5+ people to ack it. Seems like a
lot. (And I suspect will lead to debates about how to count "affected"
subsystems.) IMHO 2 is enough, i.e. the maintainer that wants it, and
another maintainer who thinks it's reasonable.


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