I'd like to make a 3.1 beta 3 release by the end of next week.
There have been quite a few bug fixes since beta 2 but I'm not
quite confident enough that a final release is appropriate yet.
I'd like to do more conformance testing and get more end user

Fellow developers, any concerns?

One issue for me is my upcoming relocation.  I'll effectively
be off-line for 3 weeks between Sep 20 and October 11.

Here's another issue.  There's an effort underway to standardize
the OpenGL environment on Linux.  One aspect of that is version
numbering for the libGL.so file (used to be libMesaGL.so).

I propose this lib name for the 3.1 release:  libGL.so.1.2.310
The 1.2 designates an implementation of the 1.2 API specification.
The 310 designates the Mesa version number (3.1.0).  The main idea
is to allow Linux OpenGL apps to relink with other OpenGL
implementations at load/runtime.  Comments?


Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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