On 15-Sep-99 Holger Waechtler wrote:
> the fixam script, which enables automatic dependency tracking, if gcc and
> gnu make are available, is now called automatically from bootstrap.

 No, the other way round: fixam disables automatic dependency tracking,
 if gcc and gnu make are not available. I decided not to call it from bootstrap
 because a non-GNU developer you would always overwrite the
 default Makefile.am's (AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS commented out) when doing CVS checkins.
 Could you please undo your change?

 Btw: Brian, we must make sure that automatic dependency tracking
 is disabled before we release beta 3. Otherwise configure won't
 work on non-GNU systems.

> Beside this, SUBDIRS in src/Makefile.am are now filtered, this should make
> compilation possible, even if somebody forgot some #ifdef's. 

 Thank you!

 Another important question: Is the upcoming beta 3 supposed to
 have autoconf support? If so, do you still want to split Mesa
 into the library and demos and how (configure.in doesn't support it yet)?

 I suggest to move all demos to a subdirectory "demos":

 demos     -> demos/demos
 3Dfx/demos -> demos/3Dfx
 BeOS      -> demos/BeOS
 book      -> demos/book
 ggi/demos -> demos/ggi 
 images    -> demos/images
 mtdemos   -> demos/mthread
 samples   -> demos/samples
 utils     -> demos/utils
 xdemos    -> demos/x11

 That would be the only way to support
 the two separate packages with autoconf.
 In any case, I think it'd be a much cleaner directory structure
 (less stuff in the toplevel directory)

 Brian, do you think that's reasonable?
 Could you move those directories on the CVS server?

Thomas Tanner -------------------------
email: tanner@(ffii.org|gnu.org|gmx.de)
web:   http://home.pages.de/~tanner
GGI/Picasso: http://picasso.ffii.org

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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