Donnie Berkholz wrote:
Chris Fairles wrote:
I maintain an handful of Xgl packages for a distro (gentoo) and I've had
several users report errors with the (and potentially the drivers from mesa-cvs.

Where do you maintain these things? Are they more useful or functional
in some way than hanno's overlay at ?



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It's a fork of hanno's. There was a required patch to glproto for mesa-cvs to compile after the EXT_framebuffer_object extension was added. I patched glproto myself and shared my ebuild with a few others. It worked, people kept requesting it so eventually i just started maintaining my own overlay tossing it up on an svn server for others to access. I also added kdelibs with a ksystray patch (for kde people using xgl) along with the opacity plugin and transset-df-5 (whichever floats your boat). I also include the i915_drm.h from 2.6.16-rc4 for those with 2.6.15 so she at least compiles for i810/i915 (some i915_last_dispatch def'n not in 2.6.15's).

People with i810/i915 cards haven't been able to get xgl to work however, so I thought I'd start figuring out why. People using ubuntu's install method seem to have it working (maybe using older snapshot, not sure)... maybe without direct accel, can't recall.


(p.s. thanks for the work on xorg7 for all us gentooers )

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