On 23.08.2009 01:50, Ian Romanick wrote:
> Philipp Heise wrote:
>> Ian Romanick wrote:
>>> Roland Scheidegger wrote:
>>>> glprogs/R200_interaction.vp
>>>> GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 1, char 43: error: syntax error,
>>>> unexpected $undefined
>>> Okay.  I posted a patch to bug #23457 that should fix this.  Could you
>>> give it a test on R200, and let me know?  I've only run this on my
>>> laptop, and I don't have Doom3 installed there.  I haven't yet tested it
>>> in-game.
>> Hi Ian,
>> thanks for your great work!
>> The problem is not the header of the vp, but the additional carriage
>> return at the end of each line ... DOS newline-format. Therefore the
>> parser fails at the end of the header line. The attached patch should
>> fix the problem.
> Oh good grief!  It's always the little things.  Hmm... Unix uses \n, and
> DOS uses \r\n.  Don't Macs use \r?  If that's the case, the proposed
> patch could cause the line numbers to be incorrect if the shaders are
> authored on Macs.  I should be able to whip up a patch that will handle
> that case, but it will have to wait until later today.  Thanks for
> tracking this down.

Works now perfectly indeed. Sorry for leading you to the wrong track
first, I don't know why the doom3 error output doesn't include the
header of the shader even though it's actually there.


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