Dear Brice,

One of the assumptions for the use of a cross-compiling tool chain is that you want to develop (i.e., write code), compile and build on a larger non-embedded computer (e.g., your own PC or laptop) and then at some stage, package and release it, and update the embedded target system. The reasons for cross-compiling are diverse. For example, it is impossible to compile the software on the embedded target system because the target system does not have enough memory or is so slow that compiling takes many hours. It is also common that your team works on various pieces of the software on their local machines, as you do not provide the embedded target system for every developer, and instead the whole team shares one target system for testing.

Following this motivation, developing, compiling and building own packages directly on the board is not a primary use case for a cross-compiling tool chain. Hence, we do not support it, and doing it on your own is difficult or seems even impossible.

Instead, I will try to describe a possible way for development and deployment with the OpenEmbedded distributions (the distro-less OpenEmbedded-Core, Angstrom, Poky):

Your setup:

- You set up your development environment for your own ROS packages that allows you to package the sources, i.e., you have a git repository and/or can simply release archive files with increasing version numbers.

- You create your own small OpenEmbedded layer and add the recipes for your own ROS packages.

- You set up your build infrastructure, e.g. Angstrom or OpenEmbedded-Core + meta-ros, to cross-compile the Linux and ROS sources for your embedded machine.

- You set up your base target system with a software update manager, e.g., the smart software updater, to fetch updates from your build infrastructure.

Now, you can have the following work-flow:

1. Develop, compile and test your ROS packages on your local machine (not matter which architecture).

2. You release your ROS packages, e.g., by committing a changeset to the git repository or tagging a new version.

3. Cross-compile your ROS packages on your build machine and it is automatically added to the software repository

4. You update the software on your target system using the software updater to download the new version and its dependencies.

5. You test the software on your target system.

There are different documents from the Yocto Project, Angstrom and meta-ros to help with the various steps. Maybe, others on this mailing list can suggest which chapters of which manuals are best to understand how to setup the development environment and step through the sketched workflow.


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