Scott Raney wrote:

> This really gets back to the issue of "are stacks documents or
> applications?" debate that has come up several times in various places
> over the years.  My UNIX and CS background causes me to consider them
> applications, whereas people with a less technical background tend to
> consider them documents.  Not sure where to draw the line on this
> one: Abide by user expectations, or force them to adapt to a more
> technically sophisticated architecture?

How about adding a preference setting to MC, allowing the user to set
whether the development environment launches or not? That way you
wouldn't have to decide whether or not stacks are apps, and everyone
could work according to their own preferred method. The default could be
the way it is now (launch MC first before opening a stack if you want to
develop) but could be overridden by a preference checkbox that forces
all stack launches to be opened in development mode.

Jacqueline Landman Gay        |             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software          |                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Custom hypermedia solutions   |
612.724.1596                  |                   612.724.1562 - fax

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