Hi Björnke and y'all,

I'm only a lurker on the revInterop list. I listen and react-to some of the 
things you're discussing to make Rev interoperable, in-order-to brainstorm, 
design, and craft my own xCard-inspired application; "authoring system" to be 
more precise.

My xCard will be a Web-app just as TileStack is endeavouring to be, but my 
approach is VERY-different. I've been working at it for close-to a decade, yet 
it still remains VERY-original. It's NOT that I have been slacking-off; it's 
just that reality had to catch-up to what I have been envisioning for over TWO 
decades. And NOW, with the advent of Web 3.0, it finally HAS! :))
Or finally *will* if you disagree that Web 3.0 is upon us. Catch the Wave as it 
swells, NOT as it breaks upon the beach and everyone knows about it.

The gist of my plan is for my xCard-inspired authoring system to become Web 
3.0's [first] Killer-App.. the one that empowers "the rest of us" to author and 
manage Web-3x applications: from Rolodexes to autonomous agents endowed with 
artificial intelligence. :-)

It's a Brave New World, y'all. Let's lead the way with something as FUN and 
simple-to-use as HyperCard was.. euh still *is*, I suppose. I don't want to be 
a heretic ;-) Btw i will be calling my ware "Lazarus". Guess why, eh! ;)

Fading-back into the obscurity,  ;)


>> On 27 Apr 2009, at 21:27, Alain wrote:
>> Quite right. I'm looking forward to see
>> what you guys come up with. :-)
> What? Us? No way, you do it :P
> Bjoernke

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