Randy Mils wrote:

> I have to jump in here and agree with Michael Cottingham.

Hello Panel Group :-)

Randy, I absolutely concur ... at least, so far.

> Who is to say what he will do with
> this one after the next 100 kg come out.

The price will drop - that's for sure.

> It has not rained in Erfound for a long time.

So what?! *Maybe* Dean exaggerated a bit, maybe the Moroccans
or the Algerians told him so. But now for the counterbalance:

1) An absolutely fresh, new fall
2) Awesome brecciation
3) Pitch black, velvety fusion crust
4) Absolutely no weathering traces
5) A potential regolith breccia
6) Dark, carbonaceous (?) inclusions (or is it the metal flakes?)
7) Already a "celebrity" like Peekskill (!)

And now my very personal, subjective assessment:

1) I love meteorites
2) I love breccias
3) I fall for this exquisite contrast fresh fusion crust/pristine matrix

As for the bet: After having seen the Hupés Bensour specimens and after
having seen the fusion crust on Dean's specimens, I'll no longer bet it
is a diogenite, of course, and I wrote just that to Jacques Vincent
*before* this bet was initiated but I can't help loving this messenger
from out there whatever it should turn out to be - it is a meteorite and
as such, it hasn't got to do anything with our personal finances ... 

Good night,


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