Good morning list.I have a trade offer, if anyone is interested.I am
looking for a main mass or masses.It has to be classified.Preferably an
NWA main mass.I have a 16.9 gram half-stone of COCKBURN,3.7 slice of
BEAVER-HARRISON,a 65 gram slice of newly getting classified nwa SLICE.The
3 are a $500 value.I'll pay a little if I have to plus the 3 pieces.Please
get in touch and let me know what you have.I'll be in and out all weekend,
so I'll be monitering my email on and off.I have pictures of all 3.

                                    steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
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