Hi Sterling and List,

This abstract clearly states that GRA 06128/9 oxygen
isotopes plot with the Brachinites:


This abstract actually has a nice plot clearly showing
GRA 06128/9 plotting dead center with the Brachinites:


I understand that the mineralogy is different from 
Brachinites, but its parent body group been identified
as far as I am concerned.

NWA 3133 was instrumental in demonstrating that
finding groups for orphaned stones using oxygen
isotope plotting for parent-body provenance purposes
is feasible. This is the only reason why I can see the
metachondrite issue coming up in the case of GRA
06128/9 which seems to be more evolved. A neat stone,
yes, but the outrageous claims that it is more
fantastic than other equally interesting meteorites
holds no water with me.  Whatever is claimed for the
parent body for this stone also applies to

Just my thoughts,

Best Regards,

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