Yeah microformats do lots of great and different things, auto tagging when someone saves a link is a good example of some useful functionality that can just work without any new name. I think hCard and hCal are new, this isn't something their web browser hasn't done before, and people will want to know why it only works sometimes.

Chris Casciano wrote:

On Jun 27, 2007, at 8:53 PM, Tara Hunt wrote:

Oh and non-experts/non-developers don't talk about data (or content,
really), they talk about:

blog posts (now)

SmartData is nice for us, but all of you are still thinking like
developers ('cause, duh, you ARE developers!).


You're right, they don't talk about "data" they talk about objects, and a wide variety of them at that.

They don't talk about CSS or Table-less design, or semantic markup, or flashobject embeds

Microformats do a *lot* of different things, and they're going to do more. I don't think we need a "pretty" outward facing name because frankly there isn't one name that would represent all the things being done, and I think most of the scenarios should be transparent anyway

Have hAtom in the page? just lump in in with the existing feed handling mechanism

Have contacts embedded in the page? Well then you'll want the user to "Export Contacts"

Using XFN? "Check for shared friends?"

rel-tag? maybe save the tags behind the scenes when the page is bookmarked!

We don't need to invent a new name just so we can present a web surfer with a dialog that says "Do you want to save this SuperUltraMarkup Event?"

That's just my dollar and a half

--[ Chris Casciano ]

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