I just think it would be good to bring these handy microformat driven functions under a banner that isn't confused by the other things microformats do. The idea of pulling these bits of data out of a page and using them elsewhere is one of many features of microformats and something that people would use every day. A logo that could sit next to the feed icon would be perfect, and a simple name so everyone understands what they are, and can promote them.

I want to be able to sell this to my clients, I want to show them this cool thing supported by the next generation of browsers that they can have in their websites too.

Benjamin West wrote:
On 6/27/07, Tara Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Although I heart the idea of language for non-experts, I'm wondering
how public facing Microformats, as a general term, is.

It should look like magic. What's that Arthur C. Clarke quote about
technology and magic?


I agree. I'm not sure why an end user would even want know. Most people just want to find that phone number, call their friend, and get on with their life,
or whatever it is they were doing.
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