On 23 Jan 2008, at 20:44, Toby A Inkster wrote:

Jim O'Donnell wrote:

Also, the rel attribute on links seems handy for expressing
relationships between letters and their authors, or letters and their
recipients, or even letters in a series of correspondence. Does anyone
know if there are any examples of this out there already?

rel/rev="made" is in common usage. You could use rel="made" when linking
from author to letter, and rev="made" for the reverse relationship.

letter-to-author is the relationship I'm really interested in, in the sense of 'show me all letters by the same author' or 'show me all correspondence in this series'. Rev seems a bit of a dead-end, but I had thought of maybe using rel="author" on a link to the author. Or I could go for consistency with Dublin Core, since that's commonly used in archives, and use rel="creator".

Has anyone done any work on simple microformat class names based on the Dublin Core element set?

To link letters in a series of correspondence there is of course
rel="next" and rel="prev". Also rel="first" and rel="last" may prove easy,
and rel="contents" to get back to the full listing of letters.

Yeah, that's what I'd thought of doing but I hadn't considered the fact that each letter is several pages in itself. So there's next and prev in terms of navigating within a letter, and then next and prev in the context of moving between letters in a series.

I don't think there'll be one definitive table of contents. I'm not decided on this yet, but at the moment I envisage several methods of listing the contents - indexed by author, by time, by recipient or by places and vessels referenced within the text.

Not sure about linking recipients to letters. You may need to define your
own rel/rev="recipient".

That would make sense. Looking at the texts, I've realised that the recipient is not always the person that the letter is addressed to. Eg. he addresses a letter to Rev. Tyler but it's intended for his wife. I think I may have to publish author and recipient alongside each letter, rather than marking them up directly in his text.


Jim O'Donnell

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