Could it be said that microdata intends to do to Microformat syntax
what HTML5 did to HTML4 syntax rules in the sense that parsing is
unambiguous and easier to validate normativity?

Can an enlightened soul describe in which ways microdata is actually
superior to profiled poshformats?

- - -

Might a "humans first, machines second" CJKV internationalization of
`n` optimization be to analyze the contents of the `fn`'s @lang and
inner text and use either or both to better determine name order?


<span class=hcard>Angelo Gladding</span>

  "hCard": [
      "hcard": {
        "fn": "Angelo Gladding",
        "n": {
          "n": {
            "family-name": [
            "given-name": [

アンジェロ == anjero (Angelo)
グラッディング == guraddingu (Gladding)

<span class=hcard lang=ja>グラッディング アンジェロ</span>

<html lang=ja>
<span class=hcard>グラッディング アンジェロ</span>

<span class=hcard>グラッディング アンジェロ</span>

  "hCard": [
      "hcard": {
        "n": {
          "n": {
            "family-name": [
            "given-name": [


Splitting on \u3000 (CJKV space), perform `n` optimization in reverse
when the `fn` element/ancestor matches @lang(zh|ja|ko|vi) or the first
character of the text content lies in one of the following Unicode
character ranges:

U+4E00–U+9FBF (Kanji)
U+3040–U+309F (Hiragana)
U+30A0–U+30FF (Katakana)

... Chinese ... Korean ... Vietnamese ... *i18n expert needed*

While this requires what I believe to be an uncommon usage of a space
delimeter among CJK names it could be an easy hack for a user of Site
X, assuming Site X does not explicitly define `n` properties, to
implement upon failed validation without necessitating code
modification on Site X's end.

Angelo Gladding

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