>Adoption, usability, and attracting talented collaborators are all important. 
>Features and >performance are important, but one must take a holistic view and 
>balance different >objectives.

I agree attracting talented collaborators is important. However I don't believe 
our principle concern should be adoption. If we making a compelling project, 
which I believe Grin is, it will attract talented contributors. For example 
Bitcoin has some very polarizing developers that would probably tip toe the 
line of the code of conduct that is being proposed, should they be banned?

As a side note I definitely don't think we should consider adoption of our 
cryptocoin as a primary concern unless we want to treat this project like a 
generic ICO.

> I think that, in the long run, encouraging a a positive, civil, and welcoming 
> environment will do more for the health of the project than allowing people 
> who are unable to be civil participate.

I know you seem to think this is trivial, but I really believe it is not. The 
phrases in codes of conduct can be manipulated, or interpreted, in ways to be 
beneficial to certain factions of a project. You use Rust as an example of a 
community with a code of conduct. While I'm sure the Rust community sees 
contentious debate about language features, there isn't a direct monetary value 
pegged to the project. The debates in other cryptocoin communites are extremely 
contentious at times. My principle worry about codes of conduct are people are 
going to abuse them when people are passionately debating a topic. I believe a 
code of conduct will eventually be used as a threat to silence one side of the 
debate. I don't mean to imply that I think that anyone currently contributing 
the project would do this. We don't know who will be a contributor to this 
project in the future, but I strongly believe that we should emphasize that 
working code that improves Grin's feature set and performance is what it takes 
to be a Grin contributor. Making sure other people's feelings are not hurt is 

Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com) Secure Email.

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Mimblewimble] Branding and messaging
> Local Time: September 6, 2017 10:44 PM
> UTC Time: September 7, 2017 3:44 AM
> From: ca...@rodarmor.com
> To: percytheprefect <percythepref...@protonmail.com>, Ignotus Peverell 
> <igno.pever...@protonmail.com>
> mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net <mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net>
> On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 8:24 PM percytheprefect 
> <percythepref...@protonmail.com> wrote:
>>>And what's the ethos of this project?
>> Working code that improves Grin's feature set and performance trumps all.
> Adoption, usability, and attracting talented collaborators are all important. 
> Features and performance are important, but one must take a holistic view and 
> balance different objectives.
>> This is what the MimbleWimble white paper's author had in mind when he 
>> released it to the wild -- he came up with a clearly superior solution to 
>> other scaling/privacy enhancing technologies.
> Monsieur Jedusor is of course welcome to participate, but this project is an 
> implementation of an idea by a bunch of people on the internet, and those 
> people should decide how to run the project. (And I'm not including myself 
> here, I haven't made any contributions to the code.)
>>>So yes, I'd have no problem banning toxic individuals. Who decides? People 
>>>with merit. So just to be clear, you are planning on banning people that 
>>>disagree with you. For instance, I disagree with a code of conduct, will you 
>>>ban me? I really do think it is a terrible idea that will be used as a tool 
>>>for political gain down the road.
> Nobody said anything about banning disagreement. Disagreeing with a code of 
> conduct is not a violation.
>> Would you accept a superior solution for a problem if the person was "toxic"?
> Yes. Codes of conduct that I'm aware of don't ban ideas, they ban toxic 
> participants.
> I think that, in the long run, encouraging a a positive, civil, and welcoming 
> environment will do more for the health of the project than allowing people 
> who are unable to be civil participate. We're not talking about 
> kindergarten-level civility here.
> As a concrete example, the Rust community and project are thriving, by any 
> metric I can think of. I think that the code of conduct is a factor in that.
>> Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com) Secure Email.
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Re: [Mimblewimble] Branding and messaging
>>> Local Time: September 6, 2017 10:08 PM
>>> UTC Time: September 7, 2017 3:08 AM
>>> From: igno.pever...@protonmail.com
>>> To: percytheprefect <percythepref...@protonmail.com>
>>> Jackson Palmer <he...@ummjackson.com>, mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net 
>>> <mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net>
>>>> This directly contradicts the ethos of this project.
>>> And what's the ethos of this project? I'm curious. Also don't use "we" when 
>>> making questionable statements, I don't want to be included.
>>> Merit in an open source community isn't only about code, it's also about 
>>> how well you collaborate, how you handle differing opinion and generally 
>>> being polite and respectful to each other. Ever heard of "community over 
>>> code"? So yes, I'd have no problem banning toxic individuals. Who decides? 
>>> People with merit.
>>> Looks like a code of conduct may be a good idea...
>>> - Igno
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: Re: [Mimblewimble] Branding and messaging
>>>> Local Time: September 7, 2017 2:44 AM
>>>> UTC Time: September 7, 2017 2:44 AM
>>>> From: percythepref...@protonmail.com
>>>> To: Jackson Palmer <he...@ummjackson.com>
>>>> mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net <mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net>
>>>>>Everything is peachy right now because this group is (relatively) small... 
>>>>>I'd recommend a foundation be formed, even informally to begin with to 
>>>>>handle project decisions democratically. In the future a non-profit entity 
>>>>>might be a good idea
>>>> Strong NACK. This is a terrible idea. If you want to organize a INFORMAL 
>>>> group that solicits donations for grin and allocates funds as you see fit 
>>>> be my guest, but don't go claiming you (or your foundation) is some sort 
>>>> of authority figure with this project. This directly contradicts the ethos 
>>>> of this project.
>>>>>The project needs a Code of Conduct
>>>> Working code that improves Grin's feature set and performance. That seems 
>>>> like all we need for a code of conduct. It seems like the people that 
>>>> don't contribute working code that improve the feature set / performance 
>>>> of various crypto projects focus on things that waste time like "Codes of 
>>>> Conduct". Are you suggesting we ban somebody from contributing to the 
>>>> project if they don't follow the code of conduct? That is insanity -- it 
>>>> invites politics into the project instead of promoting a meritocracy.
>>>>>If we're offering privacy/security by default I think we need to start 
>>>>>talking UI/UX and how it really makes it accessible to users... the user 
>>>>>experience is a big part of the barrier to entry to privacy tools right 
>>>>>now, Grin needs to nail that
>>>> It seems that every cryptocoin project that has a market cap > $1B has a 
>>>> terrible UI/UX. What does that say about the importance of the UI/UX 
>>>> compared to the core protocol? Let developers up the stack figure out how 
>>>> to handle this. We need to build a rock solid foundation for them to build 
>>>> their applications on top of. Let's not get distracted with things that 
>>>> aren't important at this point. No one will spend their time building 
>>>> things on top of Grin if the core protocol is broken.
>>>> Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com) Secure Email.
>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Mimblewimble] Branding and messaging
>>>>> Local Time: September 6, 2017 9:03 PM
>>>>> UTC Time: September 7, 2017 2:03 AM
>>>>> From: he...@ummjackson.com
>>>>> To: mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net
>>>>> Adding my thoughts on this:
>>>>> ### Naming
>>>>> - Blockchain: Agreed with Andrew that a Bitcoin-like blockchain with 
>>>>> MimbleWimble transactions is the best way to position this... this will 
>>>>> obviously draw the question "well why wouldn't we just wait for Bitcoin 
>>>>> to implement this feature?" to which we'd all laugh, but it's an honest 
>>>>> question the less technical folks will pose. The solution is to just have 
>>>>> a good answer, eg. "A modern, scalable implementation of a Bitcoin-like 
>>>>> blockchain with the added security of MimbleWimble-based transactions"
>>>>> - Implementation: Grin. I wasn't a huge fan of this name at first but 
>>>>> it's grown on me and is short/sweet.
>>>>> - Coin: If you look at any other popular cryptocurrency out there, nobody 
>>>>> really refers to the units of currency in everyday conversations, or 
>>>>> there often isn't much difference between the name and unit of currency 
>>>>> (Bitcoin = Bitcoin, Ethereum = Ether). So I ultimately think the best 
>>>>> option here is to simply call the coin largest denomination a "grin", as 
>>>>> people will naturally gravitate towards that. For example "how many grin 
>>>>> are you holding?" or "I was able to mine 6 grin the other day". As for 
>>>>> the smallest denomination ala a "satoshi" I would recommend shying away 
>>>>> from anything tacky ("ingot" sounds tacky to me) or in the realm of 
>>>>> copyright law as some have mentioned. My recommendation would be 
>>>>> something really simple like "bits' or "microgrin" etc. Something 
>>>>> boring/plain.
>>>>> ### Messaging
>>>>> I think you should break this into two sections: what makes Grin awesome 
>>>>> (benefits) vs. why this project should be trusted
>>>>> #### What makes Grin awesome
>>>>> - A lightweight, modern blockchain that scales
>>>>> - Maintains your privacy and security by default
>>>>> - Open to everyone with centralization-resistant mining
>>>>> (I really think something about micro-transactions with low fees would be 
>>>>> great here, but do we believe that's going to be a reality?)
>>>>> #### Why you should trust the Grin project
>>>>> - No ICO, no pre-mine, no gimmicks
>>>>> - Open source codebase that anyone can contribute to
>>>>> - Diverse community of contributing developers with no single controlling 
>>>>> enttity
>>>>> ### Other misc. thoughts
>>>>> - Everything is peachy right now because this group is (relatively) 
>>>>> small... I'd recommend a foundation be formed, even informally to begin 
>>>>> with to handle project decisions democratically. In the future a 
>>>>> non-profit entity might be a good idea
>>>>> - The project needs a Code of Conduct (@Igno, do you have any experience 
>>>>> in this field or should we consult someone who does?)
>>>>> - If we're offering privacy/security by default I think we need to start 
>>>>> talking UI/UX and how it really makes it accessible to users... the user 
>>>>> experience is a big part of the barrier to entry to privacy tools right 
>>>>> now, Grin needs to nail that
>>>>> Hope that helps :)
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Jackson.
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 6, 2017, at 05:27 PM, Cryptagoras wrote:
>>>>>> # Naming
>>>>>> I agree with Andrew, that MimbleWimble is more fitting on the 
>>>>>> transaction-type naming rather than the blockchain. I like Grin and 
>>>>>> could see it being used for both the blockchain (that have to include MW 
>>>>>> probably) and the implementation.
>>>>>> As for the coin, I agree with Casey Rodarmor that ethereum's subunits 
>>>>>> structure is extreme and personally find it counter-intuitive. I find no 
>>>>>> need to add a lot of more new terms, instead combine existing structures 
>>>>>> with a single base. Assuming a value of 10^8 like Bitcoin, I would 
>>>>>> propose the following:
>>>>>>                        1 ingot  (1-999 ingots) (smallest denomination)
>>>>>> 1 tingot   =       1.000 ingots (1-999 thousand ingots)
>>>>>> 1 mingot   =   1.000.000 ingots (1-99  million ingots)
>>>>>> 1 grin     = 100.000.000 ingots
>>>>>> I find/imagine the suggested `galleon` being a bit awkward in practice. 
>>>>>> So instead you could use `grin(s)` which shares the sound of `green` :P 
>>>>>> and has a nice play there but also it's very useful to have short easy 
>>>>>> word.
>>>>>> (Another route could be to have `grams` instead of `ingots` and have 
>>>>>> [grams, kilograms|kg, tons] with 1 `ingot` being the full unit - it 
>>>>>> would also help spread the SI mass units over imperial :P)
>>>>>> Giving names to all subunits causes fragmentation on the communication 
>>>>>> where some people choose to use the vanity/homage units and others the 
>>>>>> "SI" ones. Having 3 levels of subunits (with a single base) fits the 
>>>>>> current way of people using numbers more naturally.
>>>>>> # Messaging
>>>>>> As for the messaging, I agree with what has been written. The only thing 
>>>>>> I would add is an answer to a very common question I hear (mainly from 
>>>>>> hardcore bitcoiners who love MW & Grin). About the plans of getting 
>>>>>> integrated in a way to Bitcoin (pegged via sidechains) or even a native 
>>>>>> integration of MW. So it would be good to have an answer to go along 
>>>>>> with the rest if there's a decision.
>>>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Mimblewimble] Branding and messaging
>>>>>>> Local Time: September 6, 2017 9:32 PM
>>>>>>> UTC Time: September 6, 2017 6:32 PM
>>>>>>> From: apoels...@wpsoftware.net
>>>>>>> To: Casey Rodarmor <ca...@rodarmor.com>
>>>>>>> mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net <mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net>
>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 06, 2017 at 08:12:46AM +0000, Casey Rodarmor wrote:
>>>>>>>> I"ll bite!
>>>>>>>> Naming
>>>>>>>> ======
>>>>>>>> 1. I think that MimbleWimble is more in the transaction type category,
>>>>>>>> instead of the blockchain type category.
>>>>>>>> Perhaps it"s a silly distinction, but one of the things that I like so 
>>>>>>>> much
>>>>>>>> about Grin is that, if you squint a bit, it"s just a good ol" 
>>>>>>>> blockchain in
>>>>>>>> terms of proof of work, mining, and transaction propagation.
>>>>>>>> So I might say that Grin is a bitcoin-style blockchain with 
>>>>>>>> mimblewimble
>>>>>>>> transactions, which have privacy and scaling benefits. (And, obviously,
>>>>>>>> turn the whole thing into quite the weird mutant, but don"t require a
>>>>>>>> different, untested, and much weaker security model, like proof of 
>>>>>>>> stake.)
>>>>>>> +1 to this. It is true that Mimblewimble changes some aspects of how 
>>>>>>> the chain
>>>>>>> works, but I"ve gotten a lot of questions from the public along the 
>>>>>>> lines of
>>>>>>> "does MW use PoS/scrypt/ghost/whatever" and the answer is always "MW is 
>>>>>>> totally
>>>>>>> agnostic to that stuff".
>>>>>>>> 2. I think Grin is a great name. Does it have a Harry Potter 
>>>>>>>> connection? I
>>>>>>>> always assumed that it was from Gellert Grindelwald"s name. Another 
>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>> apt connection is to the grin of the Cheshire Cat in Alice"s 
>>>>>>>> Adventures in
>>>>>>>> Wonderland. After all, it"s all that"s left after the rest of the 
>>>>>>>> beast has
>>>>>>>> disappeared.
>>>>>>> Igno said somewhere that it comes from "gringotts" the wizarding bank. 
>>>>>>> I like
>>>>>>> the Chesire Cat connection :P.
>>>>>>>> 3. May I suggest the galleon, the sickle and the knut[0]? The galleon 
>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>> be ether, the knut would be wei, and the sickle would be somewhere in 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> middle. If there"s no utility to the sickle it could be left out, but 
>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>> might be good to have an intermediate unit, in case the price 
>>>>>>>> increases to
>>>>>>>> the point where galleons are too big, but knuts are still too small.
>>>>>>>> I think ethereum goes overboard with naming subunits[1], but three 
>>>>>>>> might be
>>>>>>>> the sweet spot.
>>>>>>> I"m a little worried about drawing the ire of Rowling or her lawyers. 
>>>>>>> She"s
>>>>>>> historically been very friendly toward fan projects but a monetary 
>>>>>>> system might
>>>>>>> be viewed as being in a different category. To the best of my knowledge 
>>>>>>> she has
>>>>>>> never commented publicly or privately about Mimblewimble.
>>>>>>>> Messaging
>>>>>>>> =========
>>>>>>>> I think that above and beyond formulating a coherent value proposition,
>>>>>>>> it"s important to use terminology and framing which helps people 
>>>>>>>> understand
>>>>>>>> the advantages that a normal person would get from using Grin, and 
>>>>>>>> avoids
>>>>>>>> the impression that a privacy focused cryptocurrency only has illicit 
>>>>>>>> uses.
>>>>>>>> Zcashes messaging is good here, for example the "upholding 
>>>>>>>> confidentiality"
>>>>>>>> section on their home page[2].
>>>>>>>> Words like "obfuscate", "anonymous", and "secret" aren"t good, since 
>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>> have negative connotations and conjure images of illicit activities.
>>>>>>>> However, words like "privacy" and "security" have positive connotations
>>>>>>>> that people can understand and relate to, and I think it"ll be an 
>>>>>>>> ongoing
>>>>>>>> but important challenge to keep the messaging consistent and on point 
>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>> [0] http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Wizarding_currency
>>>>>>>> [1] https://etherconverter.online
>>>>>>>> [2] https://z.cash
>>>>>>> We"re not making private transactions possible, there are already a 
>>>>>>> million ways
>>>>>>> to move wealth around the world covertly. We"re making privacy *cheap* 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> *accessible*.
>>>>>>> People doing illicit things can afford privacy because there"s an 
>>>>>>> immediate and
>>>>>>> direct cost to them if they lose it (and likely a direct reward for 
>>>>>>> maintaining
>>>>>>> it, depending on the nature of their industry). Ordinary people who are 
>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>> surveilled or censored cannot afford this, because the costs are 
>>>>>>> indirect and
>>>>>>> invisible and they don"t get rewarded in any way. They"re just trying 
>>>>>>> to pay
>>>>>>> their rent and buy groceries without having advertisers targeting and 
>>>>>>> manipulating
>>>>>>> them, and to live their lives and support causes they want to without 
>>>>>>> anybody
>>>>>>> throwing rocks through their windows or breaking down their doors.
>>>>>>> These are the people we care about. They"re the ones who lose their 
>>>>>>> privacy when
>>>>>>> their banks and governments make it expensive or confusing or 
>>>>>>> unavailable. Criminals
>>>>>>> don"t give a shit.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Andrew Poelstra
>>>>>>> Mathematics Department, Blockstream
>>>>>>> Email: apoelstra at wpsoftware.net
>>>>>>> Web: https://www.wpsoftware.net/andrew
>>>>>>> "A goose alone, I suppose, can know the loneliness of geese
>>>>>>> who can never find their peace,
>>>>>>> whether north or south or west or east"
>>>>>>> --Joanna Newsom
>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>> --
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