I asked somebody with an installed VS and indeed
winnt.h header includes intrin.h header by their SDK.  So your fix is
no fix at all.  It just removed a compatibility we had in the past,
and now doesn't exist anymore.

intrin.h is not included in the Windows 7 sdk version (either v7.0 or v7.1) of winnt.h. It was added in the Windows 8 sdk, but *only* for _M_ARM.

I would like to know where you got this information that intrin.h
isn't included, as it is plain wrong.

I get this information from my own installed versions of the Windows sdk.

I mean incomplete, due important intrin-prototypes aren't done for our
winnt.h header now.

What ones?  Are you referring to the ones in the comment I added?

   //* We need implementations for _mm_lfence, _mm_mfence, _mm_sfence,
   _mm_pause, _mm_prefetch *//
   /# include <x86intrin.h>/

The purpose of this comment is *not* to document routines that are missing, it documents the reason the following line is included. x86intrin.h is where these routines are implemented.

Since x86intrin.h includes a number of additional routines that are not available from MS's version of this file, a comment explaining why mingw64 includes it seemed appropriate. However, if the text isn't clear, I can re-word it.

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