On 12/29/21 16:52, Martin Storsjö wrote:
On Wed, 29 Dec 2021, LIU Hao wrote:

在 2021-12-23 22:20, Pali Rohár 写道:
Original MSVC 6.0 msvcrt.dll library does not provide _vscprintf()
function. Therefore usage of snprintf() with this DLL library cause
application crash. Add simple fallback implementation of _vscprintf() just for __ms_vsnprintf() to allow usage of snprintf() function also when using original msvcrt.dll library. This fallback implementation is static and not
exported outside of vsnprintf.c source file.
  mingw-w64-crt/stdio/vsnprintf.c | 67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 67 insertions(+)

I have an impression that we have not been supporting for VC6 since many years ago. All code targeting MSVCRT now requires Windows XP and the MSVCRT.DLL from it.

While this is true in general, I'm not totally opposed to such a fairly nonintrusive workaround, if it makes things work in more cases with the original msvcrt.dll (and while we can't guarantee that it stays working). But I'm interested in hearing more opinions. Jacek?

I'm not sure if we ever formalized treatment for old architectures, my impression is that we stopped carrying about them in reviews, but never cleaned up the tree so we never intentionally broke them. If we keep similar code anyway, a non-intrusive workaround seems fine. If we decided to use something like that, we should probably just hook _vscprintf like we do with other functions, through.

However, cleaning the code from such workarounds seems tempting. I wonder if there is a real use case for this or is it just an experiment for fun?



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