Hi misc,

First of all sorry for my crappy english, i'm trying my best:

I found a posible issue with cp(1) when the source file  and target file
with the process uid and gid and source file have S_ISUID or S_ISGID active.
overrides the target file permission mode with the source file mode. This
also involves the '-p' behaviour. Before filling a bugreport I would like to
discuss this in misc@

In the form 'cp src dst', src and dst are existing regular files with same
and gid with the calling process (i.e.  user 'foo' copies in a file in his
home), the mode of 'dst' will be the mode of 'src' with ~umask and

the manpage says that a existing file will preserve mode and if source file
have set-user id bit or set-group id bit actives and both source file and
target file share uid and gid with the calling process S_ISUID or S_ISGID
will be preserved.

assuming user umask 0000

if file 'src' exists with mode 4666 (rwSrw-rw-) and 'dst' exist with mode
(rw-------) the result of 'cp src dst' (if the process uid and gid is the
as the src and dst files) will be dst with 4666 instead 4600 as expected.

In case of 'dst' beign an existing file it should preserve his original mode
(0600) and add the S_ISUID or S_ISGID from the source file (4000) resulting
(4600), not (4666) as result.

I wrote a dirty diff for src/bin/cp/util.c to illustrate the possible patch.

to reproduce the issue:

umask 000
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
touch src
touch dst
chmod 4666 src
cp src dst
ls -l
--- dst have 4666 mode (rwSrw-rw-) ---

Thanks for your time.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had 
a name of 20110613_bin_cp_util_c.diff]

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