On 09/19/2011 09:15 PM, Joel Wiramu Pauling wrote:
> On 20 September 2011 14:08, Corey <clinge...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:clinge...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On 09/19/2011 08:04 PM, Joel Wiramu Pauling wrote:
>         If you are Going to use linux as your dom0 I STRONGLY
>         recommend against
>         virtual box. Vb is the retarded stillborn twin of kvm. Kvm is
>         twice as fast
>         in mainline and not controlled by oracle
>         sent from android handset. Please mind the brevity.
>         On Sep 20, 2011 12:44 AM, "Nico Kadel-Garcia"<nka...@gmail.com
>         <mailto:nka...@gmail.com>>  wrote:
>     Maybe so, but it works fine for me in a workstation environment.
>     Many things work better than in KVM (video, USB passthrough) and I
>     don't see any perceptible speed difference. KVM does seem to use
>     less CPU, and that usage is better balanced amongst cores, than
>     with VirtualBox. I think KVM is closing the gap, and am prepared
>     for Oracle to drop VBox entirely if it suits Ellison's whims.
>     I wouldn't use VirtualBox in a server environment, but then again
>     I don't get the feeling that that is its target environment
> This is off topic now, but seriously, I use both (Virtualbox has one 
> advantage in that it can host Solaris10 properly). And VB has NO 
> advantages, all of the advantages are to KVM. As for Video use Spice 
> enabled KVM, and USB pass through has been present for yonks.
>     C
Yes, it is, so I'll make this last comment and be gone.

I guess it comes down to what works best *for you*. SPICE looks cool 
(though I will always think of "Spice" software as something I use to 
model electronic circuitry), but I can't justify screwing around with 
setting up a remote desktop infrastructure *on a single workstation* 
when I can load guest drivers on my VBox guests and it "just works" (I'm 
usually virtualizing Windows). And while I'm aware that KVM supposedly 
supports USB passthrough, it just will not work with my document scanner 
software -- and KVM spews a billion messages on the console when I 
enable the passthrough to boot. VBox on the other hand supports the 
scanner and its software flawlessly.

Don't get me wrong, I like KVM. And more power to its devs. My only 
regret with it it is that qemu will probably eventually depend on KVM 
and not run standalone anymore. But KVM is no panacea. For what *I* do, 
VBox works better and easier.

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