
I'm trying to build a new kernel. However, while compiling I get
complaints about undefined references like this:

ld -Ttext 0xD0200120 -e start -N --warn-common -S -x -o bsd
${SYSTEM_HEAD} vers.o ${OBJS}
machdep.o(.text+0x2791): In function `sys_sigreturn':
: undefined reference to `fpu_mxcsr_mask'

The above line is just an example. I have poked around with more or less
guessing what could be missing, but after 2 days I'm quite sure I need a
general solution to finding the dependencies instead of guessing.

I have no skills in kernel coding. I wonder if there's a good way to
find out which part I am missing in the config file(s).

This is what I do:
edit /usr/src/sys/conf/GENERIC
I'm fine with this so far.

Now to edit


I do

dmassage -t

and make sure all the hardware I need is included in my config file. I'm
quite sure I've included everything I need, I get the above mentioned
problems, which I understand as dependencies. However, I just don't know
how to find out which line of the config file I have to include to solve

I know I am recommended to use the generic kernel. I need the kernel for
an embedded device where the hardware is well known in detail, it is
always the same, will not change and memory is very limited. So I need
to get rid of the unnecessary stuff in the kernel.

Thanks in advance!


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