reading the npx(4) gives out a really strong clue as to why you
shouldn't custom compile until you're familiar with everything:

"The npx driver is required for proper system functioning regardless
of whether or not an NPX is present."

so there's no 1:1 mapping between the devices you have and the ones
you may need included in the kernel config. could potentially apply to
other drivers, so why waste time figuring out which ones fall under
this category and which ones don't?

as for your searches, they don't include the struct definition

i can't recall the name of the doc (possibly hosted at
that explains the layout, but basically, you got the base
/sys/conf/files and arch-specific ones. you are only searching in arch
specific files

so far you have many factors contributing against you being able to
custom compile:
- don't know c
- don't know the kernel source file layout
- doesn't bother looking at official documentation regarding kernel
compilation process

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 7:06 AM, T. Valent <> wrote:
> Andres,
> may I kindly ask one more question, I'm sure after that I'll get it
> right myself.
> See:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> # make
> ld -Ttext 0xD0200120 -e start -N --warn-common -S -x -o bsd
> ${SYSTEM_HEAD} vers.o ${OBJS}
> acpi_machdep.o(.text+0xcf): In function `acpi_sleep_machdep':
> : undefined reference to `mem_range_softc'
> [...]
> # grep -rw mem_range_softc /sys/arch/i386
> [...]
> /sys/arch/i386/i386/mem.c:struct mem_range_softc mem_range_softc;
> [...]
> # grep -rw mem /sys/arch/i386/conf/files.i386
> /sys/arch/i386/conf/files.i386:file B  B  arch/i386/i386/mem.c
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Still I don't know which option/line is missing. There is no such thing
> as "i386" in GENERIC, from which I derive my config.
> Thanks in advance.
> T.

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