With apologies to all, this will be my last reply on this thread.

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 04:18:11PM -0600, L. V. Lammert wrote:
| At 03:59 PM 1/18/2012, you wrote:
| >Wait - so there's an issue that you have identified, with help from
| >members on this list ?  And you're refusing to divulge the exact
| >details that would probably help resolve the problem in future OpenBSD
| >releases ?
| Of course, an exposition was to be expected, ... an off topic one
| that proves that you don't read what I posted!

Really ?  You're going to state that I don't read what you posted ?
Are you absolutely sure ?

In the reply I sent on the 15th where I quote directly from your
e-mail and spend 3 paragraphs on how you've confused the people you
want to help you, where I *again* try to extract an answer from you ..
this is where I did not read what you posted ?  Note that you never
bothered to reply to any of my questions.  Take take take, because
you're so entitled to free help.  No giving; why should you ?

Maybe you're talking about how you were able to find the problem with
the find command you posted.  That does not give any details about the
problem (i.e. what you did wrong to cause the effects you were asking
about), just how you found it in your case.

Or are you perhaps referring to the fact that you failed to include
the details I ask for in your first update to the list after you fixed
the situation ?  But that you did answer Peter Hessler's query for
more details ?  Because, yes, I also read that e-mail.  But that was
in reply to a guy asking for details - you know, what I was doing.
Why didn't he get the same verbal ass whooping I got ?  Because he
beat me to it ?  Or because my MX had not received your answer to him
yet when I started my reply ?

Or are you referring to the 'detailedness' of your reply ?  You know,
I was asking for "exact details".  And you answer with (I quote again,
more proof I don't read your e-mails, I suppose):

> No, a "file system problem". In this case, cross-linked files from a
> Rails application.

We had already gathered that you had a (self inflicted) "file system
problem".  That's not really new information (although it's good that
you finally realized it's actually *your* fault, not some bug in
OpenBSD that was at fault here).  So we now get to deal with your
cryptic "cross-linked files from a Rails application".

What the hell is that supposed to mean ?  What are cross-linked
files ?  So there was a filesystem issue that you were able to fix
with fsck(8) ?  How does the Rails application come into play ?  Only
machines running Rails apps can suffer from this ?  At least it
corrects your answer to the "what did you change" question from
"nothing" to "yeah, I was cross-linking files".

And you think my reply was 'off topic'.  So trying to find out if
there's a bug in OpenBSD and wanting it fixed is off topic ?  Trying
to get you to do what you were advocating yourself in reply to Philip
with your "Amen! At least there's a chance it would turn up in the
search engines."; you know, trying to get you to be more detailed and
more on-topic is off topic ?

| If you check the rest of the thread, you will see that I did post
| the exact cause; more details I will not provide as what's there is
| sufficient to describe the problem and any *more* detail would just
| be flame fodder.

Yeah, I full well realize that you managed to fuck up your filesystem
all by yourself causing the issues you've been giving other people
grief over.  I think everybody realizes that.  Quite a few realized
this from day one.  Man up and detail what you did to get to this
situation.  That's not going to be flame fodder - "yeah people, sorry,
my bad .. here's what I did wrong".  We see those on the list quite
often, and I don't think they are the big flame fodder you claim them
to be.

You being a prick about it *is* flame fodder.

| >That's a great thank you to all those people that helped you, Lee,
| >especially the ones you don't mention by name here below.  Just great.
| Well, if you DO want credit, thanks for the wisdom hidden after the
| exegis! (I do not name names without permission, *especially* on
| this list.)

Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker, so I have no idea what
'exegis' is, nor does my dictionary :(

And yes, I was trying to help you.  Mostly trying to help you help
yourself.  The one thing that is comforting in all this, is that I
expect others on this list have more clue in helping themselves;
whenever they run into a similar issue, they'll actually be able to
find the problem and fix it all by themselves.  And even if they
don't, they'll probably be less of a prick then you've been through
all this and simply explain what they fucked up on the list, gaining
them some credits for fessing up to what is probably minor stupidity
or just simply misunderstanding of the workings of their tools
("locate.updatedb does not run as root; wow, I didn't know that").

I'll be sure never to help you again, if you can't even have the
decency to explain what you fucked up.  I'll even go on record to
advise others to do the same.

| >Good that you have at least taken the time and effort to make us
| >reread your own little flame (in all caps, because that helps so much
| >to bring the message across).
| Confirmed - thanks!

Yeah, no thanks to you.

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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