i don't understand why is such a simple problem turning into drama

On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Nick Holland
<n...@holland-consulting.net> wrote:
> On 04/06/12 07:35, Dan Shechter wrote:
>> Hi, Sorry for the newbe question, but what is wrong with what he is doing?
>> Best regards,
>> Dan
> First of all, OpenBSD is completely free software. B we can not, nor do
> we want to stop anyone from making their own "project" (or product)
> based on OpenBSD. B That doesn't mean we always like it.
> The problem comes in when people create things that are no longer
> OpenBSD, then the users come to our lists and developers expecting help.
> B Or develop an opinion of OpenBSD based on these non-OpenBSD projects.
> This is often due to lack of maintenance on the part of those "projects"
> -- they put something together because they feel they need it, they
> think, "this is pretty cool", set up a website, make a logo, and ta-da,
> a project is born...and often, that's how it stays.
> We also don't like misinformation...for example, this from another part
> of the thread:
>> can't install in the first place if your only bootable media can be
>> usb sticks. the alternative to downloading premade images is making
>> them in qemu, which is more work for little gain
> That's ONE alternative. B Roughly equivalent to turning right by turning
> left three times (reverse for Drive-on-Left countries). B You can take
> your USB stick and an OpenBSD CD to any same-platform computer in the
> world that can boot from CD and has a USB port and build an install
> device there using standard processes...and you know what you have and
> how you got it.

that's outside the conditions. i am talking about a real world
situation where i had ONE COMPUTER and it did not have a cd drive

that's it. there's no other way to look at it

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