telnetd was completely removed from the source tree around the end of may,
soon after 3.7 was released. As far as an alternative, why does sshd not
work? There are ssh daemons for almost all other operating systems, unless
maybe you're using OpenVMS or Plan9 (although I think there is at least one
for those as well, just not OpenSSH).

On 11/7/05, Matthew S Elmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I cannot appear to locate a telnet daemon in 3.8 installs now. It
> appears to have silently disappeared between 3.7 and 3.8.
> I see no mention of this in the release notes or after a cursory search
> of the mailing lists. It's possible it is mentioned somewhere and I am
> missing it.
> I understand the advantages of ssh over telnet, but telnet is still
> heavily used in many environments.
> Is it merely hiding somewhere or can someone recommend an alternative
> for me?
> Regards,
> Matt

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