On 12/10/12 21:45, Maximo Pech wrote:
> Well, with the information you have given me so far, I think the answer is
> something like "nobody has written it because we have more important things
> to do and nobody believes there is a real need for that". Am I right?

I have lived a long time and never used PGP, GNUpg, NetPGP...whatever on
my own systems.  Never had a reason to, never had the desire to.  Got a
task at work where this may be requested, and in that case, it's because
they are "doing it wrong", trying to make e-mail into a secure
communications channel.  In my mind, e-mail is a non-secure
communications channel, and I'm not fond of trying to bolt-on gadgets to
make non-secure things look secure.

You seem to have a problem you expect all of us to have that requires a
PGP-equivalent  to solve.  Apparently, we don't all share this problem.
 You have not told us what this problem is you are trying to solve...but
in general, naming the tool rather than naming the problem you are
attempting to solve is bad process.

You are coming in as if you are trying to sound high-and-mighty and
pointing out what fools we are for not having (yet again) reinvented
your favorite tool in base.  You have yet to make a case for:
1) why such a tool should be in base, when obviously no developers seem
to think it should be.
2) why such a tool should be reinvented Yet Again, when there are
multiple varying degrees of free implementations out there already.
3) why you care.  What are you doing that could possibly be improved
drastically by a BSD-licensed PGP implementation in base?  In fact, your
question appears to misunderstand the /reason/ we would want a BSD
licensed anything in base -- it isn't over a "my license is better than
your license" pissing match, it's about what you could DO with that.
The GNU license on GNUgp puts limitations on your ability to modify and
redistribute it in a commercial product.  Being that PGP is sorta a
standardized product...do you want people distributing modified versions
of PGP?  anyone who has reason to do that will find plenty of crypto
libraries and tools in OpenBSD, they won't need to tear apart and
rebuild a PGP tool.

Yes, the OpenBSD project cares a lot about cryptography, but using it
where it makes sense using as few tools as possible to do it right.
Hey, why don't we have a crypto-ls?  It's really important!  What if
someone is looking over your shoulder when you do an 'ls'?


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