----- rich...@thornton.net <rich...@thornton.net> [2013-02-21 00:29:45 +0000] 
----- :

> Is sendmail enabled by default?  If not, how do I do that?

It's not enabled by default. And you need to copy
/usr/share/sendmail/cf/openbsd-proto.mc to your hostname.mc; edit it
with your requirements, then use make(1) on your hostname.mc file and
copy the resulting hostname.cf file to /etc/mail/sendmail.cf.


        cd /usr/share/sendmail/cf
        cp openbsd-proto.cf hostname.mc
        vi hostname.mc
        make hostname.mc
        cp hostname.cf /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
        vi /etc/rc.conf.local (enter the appropriate flags to $sendmail_flags)

Or you can use $sendmail_flags in /etc/rc/conf.local to point to the
hostname.cf file in /usr/share/sendmail/cf/ .

It's better to "rename" the openbsd-proto.mc to something relevant as that
file gets replaced on upgrades; your renamed file won't. The same is
true for the /etc/mail/sendmail.cf - it could get over-written during
upgrade unless you tell sysmerge(8) not to.

The entry in /etc/rc.conf.local if you have copied your hostname.cf file
to /etc/mail/sendmail.cf would be something like this:

        sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -bd -q30m"

The flags would obviously be different if you choose to leave your
hostname.cf file in /usr/share/sendmail/cf/ .

Does that make sense?

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