On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 11:40:09PM -0400, Alan Corey wrote:
> I'm not sure how to look this up, and it doesn't seem to be in the FAQ.

There does not seem to be a question in your message...

> I frequently add stuff that isn't in ports by building from sources.
> Sometimes this real world stuff needs newer versions of other things
> than what's in ports.  But the port is already installed and has
> things depending on it.  So I have to uninstall the dependencies,
> uninstall the port, then install the newer version.  Sometimes I can
> take the distfile from the uninstalled dependency and build it as a
> generic tarball outside the ports system, sometimes it has too many
> patches to make it worthwhile.

sometimes there is an update in the works. sometimes some of those pesky
other ports have to be fixed as well. It can get complicated.

> For example: I've just gotten fldigi running under 5.0 and 5.2, but
> the fltk 1.x in ports is too old to work.  I had to uninstall it,
> which meant aqsis had to be uninstalled.  Turns out there's a newer
> aqsis too but I haven't started on that yet.
> I'm not in a position to make updated ports because I don't run current.

Why not ?  I mean you say you have a 5.0 installation and a 5.2 one. That
sounds complicated enough already. So why not have a -current install ?
it's not harder than 5.0/5.2.

(besides 5.0 is no longer supported, so  you'll have to update that one

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