On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Alan Corey <alan01...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The question is what's the best way to mix current stuff in, I wasn't
> criticizing.  It's actually handy to do an install and be able to
> reuse a fair percentage of distfiles.  Can't do that with packages.
> There are things in my 5.2 box that use the same distfiles as my 4.7
> box.

No idea if it's the "best" method but my data point is that I leave
/usr/local to ports/packages and when I compile and install something
outside of ports I install it under my home directory.  Depending on
how invasive it is and how I want to use it, I might use
--prefix=$HOME (i.e., use ~/{bin,lib,share} etc) or

If by "mix current stuff in" you mean "update parts of your ports tree
to build newer stuff there" then the best method is to do that by
installing a newer release (or-current) and the ports files that
match.  Mixing versions is a bag of pain: the ports infrastructure is
dependent on the capabilities in 'make' and the patches present in the
ports tree are dependent on what the base libraries are (libsqlite3
added to base in 5.2), what's in the base libraries (c.f. the list of
functions added in the release notes) and how compliant the include
files are (did I mention the release notes?).

> I could understand if Microsoft stopped supporting Vista, because it
> was so bad many places wouldn't even use it, but OpenBSD 5.0 isn't
> that different from 5.2.

A switch to a completely different thread model "isn't that
different"?  Interesting assessment.  I believe the ports people
disagree with you, particularly given the effects it has had on the

> Once again we're off on a tangent and I never got an answer to my

Congratulations: your attempts to distract people were successful.
What, you _meant_ for us to ignore the larger part of your email?

> Something like a way to uninstall a port without having to uninstall
> everything that depends on it.

Since you don't care about the package tracking apparently, just use
pkg_info to get the list of files and directories and delete them.

Philip Guenther

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