On 2013-09-15, Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Shawn. Sorry to go offlist.
> So, I'm trying to do some initial testing. I'm on a MacBook with
> OpenBSD in a VM. All I want to do is run my compiler over some source
> files.
> MacBooks have a funky keyboard, and when I try to use visudo to move
> the cursor around, some of the arrow keys don't work. Not to mention
> the DELETE key (or the key combinations I know to use to simulate
> delete). visudo responds with ^? is not valid. I'm sure I'll have that
> file corrupted shortly.

In this case, I would suggest ssh'ing to the OpenBSD vm from a terminal
in the host OS, rather than using the VM console, there should be less
trouble with keymaps.

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