On Mar 8, 2014, at 6:29 AM, Stéphane Guedon <steph...@22decembre.eu> wrote:
> Notably, the user fails to auth and do login (with openbsd login
> system AND webpages) eventhough password is correct according to ldap
> itself !

That's a lot more moving parts than just passwords in LDAP. Have you checked
your configuration of all those moving parts? Looked at logs? You don't even
mention what else you're using, much less how they've been configured or what
their logs report.

I am using ypldap from base and login_ldap from ports; your mileage may vary.

> By the way, anybody use the light ldapd daemon included in base ? can
> we update password with it ?

I use it. It does not currently support the modify password extended operation
(what ldappasswd relies on). I am working on a patch for it but I haven't
finished it and it requires a bit more refactoring than just processing one
new request.

Until that's done I rely on a short Perl script I wrote. It's a pretty simple
kind of thing to do; it is more a codification of a particular policy than a
technically challenging problem.
Matthew Weigel

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