On 12/2/05, Jimmy Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 06:14:18PM +0100, Sebastian Rother wrote:
> > I scrited with pdksh all the time lon for now.
> > Now I'm interested into learning another Scripting-Language.
> >
> > I can't decide between Perl and Python.
> > Perl has a lot modules but it's GPLed.
> > Python on the other hand is under a BSD-compatible License and has less
> > modules.
> http://www.perl.com/download.csp#srclic
> It is NOT gpl'ed.

According to this:
it is GPL'd.

> >
> > I would like to know some "facts" why Perl is in the base system on a
> > BSD even Python is a BSD-licensed alternativ. Does it have some
> > advantages I don#t know?
> >
> > I read a lot papers about both languages. Also CS-related Papers but I
> > can't decide.
> I advice to try both, Python is nice in it's syntax and it's harder to
> "misuse", I mean, there are a LOT of Perl programmers out there that do
> theire best to make theire program unreadable, to say it softly.
> The downside about Perl (in my opinion) is the whole "you can do it in
> more than one way" and "you can do it on a single line" spirit.

Definitely try both, as no one can really tell you which language is
better for your situation except...you. And if you try both, you'll
definitely learn more than if you only tried one. There are always
downsides and upsides to any language, and the best way to judge which
fits your situation the most is just to dive in and get dirty.

> <snip>


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