On 14-08-01 05:33 AM, Adrian Jervolino wrote:
Yep, I can see how you arrived at this conclusion. In sheer desperation I installed GRUB2. Now it's constantly rebooting, so I think there is no real problem with the MBRi boot code. Of course I "disabled" the UEFI. "disabled" hence the lack of disabling capabilities, since I'm only able to launch something called the CSM. Adrian

FYI, the mysterious "CSM" is simply the Compatibility Support Module, this is fairly standard terminology for "MBR emulation support" among UEFI implementations. Obviously the quality of any given vendor's CSM will vary :-/. Looking for details on it, the original vendor of it, etc. is about as useful as trying to track down who's responsible for this "MBR" stuff - barking up the wrong tree altogether, there's no single piece of software named CSM.

-Adam Thompson

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