On 08/23/14 19:59, Amit Kulkarni wrote:

> That is your problem...memory You will definitely see better performance
> with more memory. I use Pentium G2020 with 8GB of memory and the
> performance is good for browsing/occasional video with daily restart. Tweak
> the follwoing variables in /etc/login.conf
> datasize-max === 3G
> datasize-cur   === 2G

I'm going to say something but not sure if it would be seen as a
hijacking of the thread, if so, let me know and I'll take it to another

I use firefox too and I have never adjusted my datasize yet, never
needed too.  There is only a few websites that crash it and I don't
usually visit those.

However I have a different problem.  I use firefox over ssh to another
user on the same system.  I do this because I don't want a would-be
attacker to get to sensitive files such as my ssh keys.  Now this setup
runs pretty good, except at one point and perhaps someone can look into
this for me.  When I control-f for searching a website and enter 3
characters the browser crashes.  However it doesn't happen always and it
never happens when I run firefox as my own user.

Another drawback to my using another user to sandbox firefox is that I
cannot copy-paste from browser to another window, not sure if that is

Anyhow for memory I'm set with 32 GB so that's not the problem in this



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