> ok, how do I put this nicely...
> To run a modern browser, you need a modern computer.  1.5GB RAM and a
> celeron processor doesn't cut it.

> Nick

Moving towards a "modern" computers one will have problems with
supported hardware. Maybe some desktops are ok, but what can you do
about laptops. There is no documentation and manufactures are pushing
all kinds of crazy shits like fake RAID, UEFI, ACPI, etc. New software
is pressing for new hardware too.
There is a stupid movement for browsers too: W3C approves and is
trying to make a strandard for any shit you can bring inside a
browser. Developers are following - who would want users to leave
because "X" browser doesn't support "Y" feature. This rush has only
one 'benefit', more money for harware manufacturers' pockets. I let
the people with more experience to anticipate and describe the future.


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